
Why does my dog eat his poop?

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There are a few reasons your dog may eat their own poo. My dog does too. I know it's awful and I have tried all the tricks I've read online, none have worked. Some say it is lack of nutrition or poor quality in the dog food itself. They are eating the food that is left indigested in the poo.

2 Answers

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There are a few reasons your dog may eat their own poo. My dog does too. I know it's awful and I have tried all the tricks I've read online, none have worked. Some say it is lack of nutrition or poor quality in the dog food itself. They are eating the food that is left indigested in the poo.


Dogs can eat poop (coprophagy), for an attention getting behavior from the owner. Anxiety, stress, frustration, and boredom can be another cause. Also a dog may eat poop to immitate the owner picking up feces. Rule out a medical cause for poop eating with a check up from a veterinarian.