
Why is my dog so needy?

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1 Answer

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The dog could be seeking attention, is fearful or afraid or may have some discomfort. If your pup sticks to your side because he's bored, the obvious fix is more exercise, such as daily walks, fetch and running free in an enclosed area at least a few times a week. In the case of fear and separation anxiety, counterconditioning him to associate something positive -- such as treats -- with what he fears will tone down his, "I have to run to mom or dad" response. Severe fears and separation anxiety may need the help of a qualified dog trainer or medication from your vet. As for discomfort, avoid leaving ultrasonic bark machines on while you're home and remove all electric collars. All too often these devices pick up outside noise as barks and cause discomfort when your pooch is quiet. If he seems in pain, sick or has symptoms associated with cognitive dysfunction syndrome, take his furry rump to your vet for a checkup.