
Why is my dog licking the floor?

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Dogs that repeatedly lick the floor or other surfaces are exhibiting symptoms of compulsive behavior. Anxiety may be triggering this compulsive desire to lick a certain spot on the floor repeatedly, or the behavior is triggered by an unknown cause.

3 Answers

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Dogs that repeatedly lick the floor or other surfaces are exhibiting symptoms of compulsive behavior. Anxiety may be triggering this compulsive desire to lick a certain spot on the floor repeatedly, or the behavior is triggered by an unknown cause.


Minus the fact that you may have dropped something tasty - dogs can exhibit anxiety in these ways, including licking pillows/wall. You may be able to distract them with other things, such a a kong or frozen treat!


This may be caused by a nutritional deficiency. If you are feeding them a nutritionally balanced diet, your pet may not be eating enough or properly absorbing certain nutrients. Have your vet investigate further. Cushing's disease and liver disease are other potential causes.