
Why does my dog snore?

Can someone tell me why my dog snores so much? Can I wake him up when this happens, or is best not to disturb him?


Just like with humans, snoring in dogs generally occurs when air movement is restricted in the nasal passageways or throat. Some of what can cause dogs to snore may simply be that they like to sleep on their back.

The reason a dog snores is similar to the reason us humans snore! Common reasons for snoring in dogs is: obstruction, anatomy (squished nosed breeds). allergies, obesity, medications, or simply their sleeping position! If your pup doesn't sound like he's in distress, it's best you let him rest :)

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This is common in short-nosed breeds like pugs or bulldogs or overweight dogs but can also be caused by anything else restricting air flow in a dog's nose. It can be alleviated, or caused, by sleeping position such as a dog sleeping on its back. If your dog is overweight you will want to address that anyway. Other things to help can be cleaning bedding in case it's allergies or dust, a round bed to encourage sleeping position, or a humidifier to add moisture to the air. The worst case to look out for is if it's related to blockage or an irritant that should be addressed by a vet like an infection or mites and you'll want to talk to your vet for that.