
Why does my dog drink so much water?

Hello all, I've been noticing that my dog has been drinking a lot of water and I'm not sure why this is. Maybe this is normal, but I'm really worried he might be dehydrated or ill! Can someone tell me why this could be??

3 Answers

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If your dog is drinking more water than normal, it could be a symptom of a bigger problem going on. I would suggest you you should get your dog evaluated by a vet.


If it is abnormal for that particular dog to drink so much, you might ask your vet to check for diabetes, which can occur in dogs.


Drinking excessive amounts of water could be a sign of an underlying health issue, but only your vet can find out exactly what is going on via a urinalysis and/or bloodwork. It could be anything from diabetes, Cushing's disease, or even just a behavioral change due to stress. Asking your vet is best.