
Trick-or-Treat for dogs as advertising?

In the past I've run to get one of my dog's treats to give to people who bring their dog out trick-or-treating with their kids. This year I found these

Now I know Beggin' Strips aren't the best but hey, it's a cute idea and I don't see any other manufacturer doing this kind of packaging.

Anywho... after I bought them I realized it would be perfect to staple a business card to each one I hand out. Does that seem weird or pushy?? I think it's a great idea but I get stuff like this wrong sometimes.

3 Answers

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It doesn't seem weird or pushy to me. Are you handing out candy/treat bags yourself? If so, that presents the perfect time to start a conversation about your services, and then you can hand out your business cards with the treat bags if you feel weird about attaching them to the bags beforehand. I hope I'm home during trick or treat this year because you just gave me a good idea!


Thanks for the positive feedback Mary C. I do hand out the candy myself. We've been handing out full-size candy bars for years AND we have super nice decorations (People have actually taken photos of their kids on my porch!) so our house is kind of 'known'. I think I just found the Pay-Off . LOL!!


I think this is a fantastic and creative idea. I see many trick or treaters with dogs and never thought of giving the dogs a treat too! Great idea putting a business card to it. Even if you get one new client this way, it pays off. Also a great way to meet some neighbors you possibly would not have met otherwise. Way to think out of the box.




Best of luck! i didn't get a single client from handing out business cards, unfortunately lol


Where did you hand them out?

The park, outside of petsmart, dog grooming salons. I mean, hey, it's worth a shot but I personally didn't have any luck. Your idea is more inventive and personalized so it might be more worth it