
Does Rover send a notification to pet owners to review a sitter after the stay is over? [closed]

Will a pet owner receive a reminder email or notification to submit a review or should I request one?

Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Jessica M.
close date 2016-02-19 18:12:05

6 Answers

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The day after your stay ends, you and the dog owner will receive an email asking to review the stay. You can rate the dog, and they can leave a review for you. If after a week or so they don't leave one, and you felt the stay went well, you can send them a message asking they write one.


How do you send a message to them? I tried through rover but it said the conversation was closed since the stay is over.

It only appears closed on the phone app. Hop on the computer and you'll have no issue sending messages in the Past Stays tab of your inbox.

I bake homemade doggy treats, so when a dog stay or dog walk is completed, I give the owner a small "treat" bag for doggy with a note to thank them as well as request a testimonial.


Even though it says the conversation is closed, you can actually still send the client a message through the Rover messaging system.


I feel like an odd duck here....but I never ask clients for a review! I think some people are just not "review types" meaning they never leave reviews for anything, whether it is positive or negative. I am lucky that most of my clients have left glowing reviews.


How many times do you all typically remind a client to leave a review? I had a sit end last Wednesday and reminded the client on Friday with no response. I'm hopeful that she'll leave a review since she was my first booking through Rover, but I don't want to nag. Thanks!


I'd probably send another reminder. I'd even mention how important reviews are to your business since you're just starting out on Rover. Also, be sure to check your Rover profile before sending a message. Rover doesn't let you know when a review has been left, and you don't want to send a reminder for something they had just done an hour ago! :)


My very first "guest" was with me for three weeks! I personally e-mailed the owners three times - then they finally did leave a review. In the meantime, I've received 10 Reviews (and one pending) and I think that I would only send one reminder now.


You should have their cell phone # so I would send them a 'happy' text reminder.