Prepare to be amazed. These videos of principal American Ballet Theatre dancer Isabelle Boylston show her performing some amazing balance moves on a BOSU ball—all while holding her dog Chloe. No big deal.
A Dancer and Her Dog: Isabella and Chloe
And here’s Isabella reprising her routine with her friend and fellow ABT dancer Lauren Post’s dog Pickles.
Isabella and Pickles
Not only is the theatre a dog-friendly workplace, but they also allow performers to bring their dogs on the road on traveling shows. “It’s a great stress reliever, especially since the ballet can be such an exhausting work environment. Plus it really adds to the family-like atmosphere here,” says ABT rep Susie Taylor.
Drop by the #dogsofabt hashtag on Instagram to get your dancers-and-dogs fix. Here are some recent favorites.
Barre buddy
Ballerina girl
Ballerino bros