
How can you set more than one location for services? I work downtown and would like to walk dogs over my lunch break, is this possible?

I work downtown. Live about six miles away. Would like to walk dogs at home and while I'm at work, depending on my schedule.


When your at work or know when, you can change the location radius and your zipcode. Then on calender put avalible for just dig walking. You can also put in your profile about walking in whatever location your jobs at.

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No, it is only possible to have one location at a time. Even if you expand your work radius, I really think it doubtful that anyone downtown is going to contact a sitter with an Uptown location.

I suppose you could change your location for awhile in order to get some regular downtown clients for walks. They could continue to use your services, even when you switch back to your home area.

Good luck!